Thursday, 26 January 2017

Ep. 1.0(a): Full Interview with Castro, Vice Czar for Federal District Affairs

Czar Nick Tweed interviews our new Vice Czar for Federal District Affairs, Castro, as they discuss the mood on Capitol Hill as the presidency of Donald J. Trump begins to unfold, as well as the success of the Women's March on Washington. What does an effective resistance to the GOP agenda entail? What sort of consequences can we expect from Trump's decision to cut funding to major cities across the USA? Does Ted Cruz smell like sulfur? We discuss all of this and more in this full-length interview.

Producer(s): Czar Dan Bickers
Length: 46:46

Listen here!

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Ep. 0.9(j): Bookend with Tweed & Dan

In this bookend segment for Episode 0.9, producers Czar Nick Tweed and Czar Dan Bickers thank our guests, do a quick recap of recent news events in the lead up to Trump's inauguration and the ongoing Republican effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and finally, a retrospective over the material covered in Episode 0.9 and what we have planned for upcoming broadcasts.

Producer(s): Czar Dan Bickers
Length: 22:59

Listen here!

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Ep. 0.9(i): Tweed Interviews Reaganfan, Part 2

Czar Nick Tweed gets back into it with special guest and Trump voter REAGANFAN for his take on the presidential debates last year. Reaganfan talks about his expectations for a Trump presidency and why Trump's temperament could have unexpected repercussions for the Republican establishment.

Part two of a two-part interview. For part one, check out Episode 0.9f!

Producer(s): Czar Dan Bickers
Length: 18:56

Listen here!

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Ep. 0.9(h): Inside White Nationalism with Francis Marion McNamara IV (Part 1)

What a treat we have for you! Czar Nicholas Tweed interviews our Undercover Vice Czar for Trump Cultist Watch, Francis Marion McNamara IV, live from the heart of Dixie, as they explore the white nationalist subculture that propelled Trump to victory, as well as the impact of homeschooling on children from strict Christian backgrounds.

This piece is highly edited/redacted to protect Mr. McNamara IV's Undercover status.

Part one of a two-part interview.

Producer(s): Czar Dan Bickers
Length: 17:53

Listen here!

Monday, 9 January 2017

Ep. 0.9(g): Tweed & King on the Economy, Foreign Affairs

Czar Nick Tweed and Vice Czar for Political Economy KING discuss the economic outlook for the United States, particularly as it relates to the retail and commercial real estate sectors. They also dive into the implications of Donald Trump's relationship with Vladimir Putin, and his intention to stoke an adversarial tone with China.

Producer(s): Czar Dan Bickers
Length: 22:55

Listen here!

Ep. 0.9(f): Tweed Interviews Reaganfan, Part 1

Czar Nick Tweed interviews the one and only REAGANFAN, 13-year Veteran of the Atlas, and the first Trump voter to appear on the program. Why was the gender gap smaller than expected? How did Hillary Clinton lose Wisconsin? What do people really think about Michael Bloomberg? All this and more in part 1 of a 2-part interview!

Producer(s): Czar Dan Bickers
Length: 19:33

Listen here!

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Ep. 0.9(e) Teaser: Reaganfan on Obama & Trump

Czar Nick Tweed has brought you the impossible - a man who needs no introduction - REAGANFAN. The 13-year Atlas Veteran becomes the first Trump voter to appear on the program. In this teaser for an upcoming two-part interview, Czar Nick Tweed and Reaganfan hash out the consequences of running government like a business.

Producer(s): Czar Dan Bickers
Length: 4:55

Listen here!

Ep. 0.9(d): Averroes on Obamacare

Czar Nick Tweed interviews Distinguished Vice Czar for Political Economy (Healthcare) Averroes.

Together they look at the origins and positive accomplishments of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, weighing them against the law's inherent shortcomings. Czar Nick and D.V.C. Averroes continue on and look to Mike Pence's Indiana Medicaid 2.0 for clues on what is coming down the pipe re: US health care policy under Republican minority rule.

Producer(s): Czar Dan Bickers
Length: 22:17

Listen here!

Ep. 0.9(c): A Conversation Between Two Berniecrats on a Snowy Day

Czar Nick Tweed was supposed to be conducting Pt. III of our interview with Distinguished Vice Czar for Political Economy (Healthcare) Averroes, but he got to talking too much. Oh well - we have reframed this as "A Conversation Between Two Berniecrats on a Snowy Day".

We thank the Distinguished Vice Czar for his indefatigable patience.

Almost 40 minutes of commentary on issues including the DNC and New York local/State Politics.

Producer(s): Czar Nicholas Tweed
Length: 38:43

Listen here!

Ep. 0.9(b) - Tweed interviews KING, Part I

A no-frills cut of the first segment of Czar Nick Tweed's January 6th interview with the legendary King, our new Vice Czar for Political Economy. Intelligent Dialog between two men. Useful!

Producer(s): Czar Nick Tweed, Czar Dan Bickers
Length: 12:20

Listen here!

Sunday, 1 January 2017

Ep. 0.9(a): Czar Nick Tweed EXTENDED Interview with Baconomics (first official release!)

Czar Nick Tweed discusses the impending Trump inauguration spectacle with Baconomics, Vice Czar for General Affairs & Winding Down the Gold Rush. Tweed and Bacon reflect on what Trump's cabinet picks mean for the future of the United States.

Producer(s): Czar Dan Bickers
Length: 27:55

Listen here!